
Melissa Price Blog

This blog will be updated often with news and other information form Melissa Price


Smile Number Seven

​How a simple writing exercise evolved into Melissa Price's new romance, "Smile Number Seven" Most people admit to having an ultimate screen idol—that one movie star they consider to be drool-worthy. But could anyone ever imagine meeting and falling in love with that person in real life? Isn't that what the Freebie-5 list is for? For the fantasy of...

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Whether The Weather...

Whether The Weather...

Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is hot; we'll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. Trading comments about the weather is a common social practice, isn't it? Years ago, a native Southern Californian visited me back east in January. At the end of the day, she said she noticed how wherever we went, people consistently talked about the weather. Of course they did. It was winter! That time of year when Old Man Winter slapped us in the face to get our attention. In Southern California, why talk about the weather unless there's...

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What's Your Totem?

What's Your Totem?

What's Your Totem? by Melissa Price Have you ever had the occasion to keep noticing something? Perhaps it's an item or an animal that appears wherever you travel or whenever you visit a particular place. This phenomenon surged into my life last week at the Southern California coast. While it wouldn't be entirely unusual to view a dolphin, a seal, a sea lion, or even a shark in those waters, would it make you think if you saw only one of those species – repeatedly? How about continually? Whether I was walking, standing on the beach, or looking out from the...

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A Pound of What?

A Pound of What?

A Pound of What? by Melissa S. Price, D.C, CCSP Since the holidays are fast approaching, I would be remiss if I didn't pass along some tasty tidbits to help you through the labyrinth of seasonal woes we all have to navigate. Namely, those extra pounds we tend to put on when we go from party to party, and then to those holiday meals filled with the delicacies we look forward to eating. We often follow that up with New Year's resolutions to drop the weight gained from those festive soireés. As a practicing chiropractor for many years, I had worked...

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Arizona: But It's a DRY Hate

Arizona: But It's a DRY Hate

I just called the governor's office to voice my dissent to SB1062. It seems her phone has been turned off. To that end, I sent the following letter to one of her aides. I urge you ALL to take one minute and do the same. Dear Ms. Romero,I am writing to voice my dissent to SB1062. After trying to call the governor's office and the call never ringing through to be answered, I have chosen instead to write to you.As a retired doctor, I cannot fathom having turned someone in need away because of my own religious beliefs. In my day,...

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